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​​Dr. Goodrich was born and raised in Idaho Falls, ID amongst the potatoes. For undergrad, she attended Utah State University and her first degree was in Drawing and Painting. Though she will always be an avid lover of the arts, she did not feel this was her true calling. She decided to go back to school in pursuit of a medical career. During this time she earned a Bachelor in Nutrition and worked on several clinical trials. She was able to work in a clinical setting creating advertisements and promotions using her art background. For medical school, she attended Pacific Northwest University in Yakima, Washington. Dr. Goodrich spent her medical school clinical years in Blackfoot, Idaho, a rural town 30 minutes from her hometown. During this time she had several wonderful mentors. One family medicine doctor that stood above the crowd and really solidified the importance of family medicine and fueled her passion for the field. Her personal hobbies include spending time with her husband and their children, hiking and scuba diving. Occasionally she finds the time to paint and kindle the artistic side of her that brings a different perspective to the medical field.

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