Our noon conference series, which covers a new theme each week, emphasizes
small group interactive learning. Conferences are presented both in person
and via video conferencing so that it is accessible to all participants.
50 themes are chosen for each year. Examples of themes include:
- Common infections
- Congestive heart failure
- Mood disorders
- Diabetes mellitus
- Arrhythmias
- Super sick
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Addictions
Two core faculty organize conference each week. The team invites relevant
subspecialists to enrich the content and share expertise in that area.
The concept of the “upside down” classroom is encouraged, and
many different teaching formats are employed. Examples include:
- Small group case discussions
- Q & A with a subspecialist
- Physical exam pearls
- Inter-disciplinary guests, such as wound-care RNs or physical therapists
- Patient panels (e.g., ALS patient, patient with thyroid nodule, HIV patient, etc.)
- In-depth literature review and evidence-based medicine teaching
- Simulation lab and “think out loud” triage scenarios
Longitudinal conferences are also intertwined during the year:
- Morbidity and Mortality
- Resident Group
- EKG Curriculum
- House Staff Conference
- Teaching to Teach Series
- Career Development
- Palliative Care/Ethics
- Wellness/Resiliency
Residents receive access to an online learning management system that includes:
- Weekly agendas
- Relevant articles
- Weekly curricular content
- Learning quizzes