We are delighted you have expressed interest or have chosen to apply for a visiting rotation at Providence Portland Medical Center!
International Students: Unfortunately, we are unable to offer International Students visiting rotations
for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.
U.S LCME accredited and osteopathic medical school students: Medical students from U.S. LCME accredited schools and U.S. osteopathic
medical schools may apply for a rotation.
Fourth Year Rotations: We offer the following rotations for fourth year medical students who will have completed their required third-year core clerkships:
Core Clerkship Rotation: We have limited Medicine core rotations, but welcome third year students to apply if we have an opening that accommodates your schedule.
Clinical Experience: Medical students are integrated into the day-to-day workflow, educational rounds, and conferences of their ward teams. Specific mentorship is provided on their written and orally presented cases. Additional student-specific teaching sessions are provided by the medical education faculty, the Chief Resident and the hospitalist clinician educator faculty. An emphasis on learning, feedback, and practical experience is a key element of the clinical experience at PPMC.
For rotation availability, please email Sara Engebrethson
Application Process: Based on the rotation dates above, please combine the applications materials listed below as one PDF in the order they are listed and submit to our clerkship coordinator, Sara Engebrethson.