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Work Hours and Call

Our call schedule is in compliance with the work hours policy of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, or ACGME. We have a night float system and weekend call for senior residents. The call schedule has been designed with flexibility in mind to allow more time on the Medicine or OB-intensive tracts.

Intern Year

Interns average three months in Family Medicine inpatient service (but note interns and residents are only on for 3 or 4 shifts a week as they also do continuity clinic. Based on input from residents, we improved the schedule so that you won’t have to round on inpatients in the morning and then go to clinic. We separated them and this has gotten rave reviews.). The interns do one month in Internal Medicine inpatient service, one month in ICU, two months in Obstetrics and two 3-week blocks on Inpatient Pediatrics

PGY2, PGY3 Years

The total number of 12-hour call shifts are shared among residents divided so that those on the Medicine-intensive focus do more and those on the OB-intensive focus do a few less medicine shifts as they will be doing OB shifts. We have no 24-hour shifts and our residents are now off on Sun-Tues nights on our FM Inpatient service. We cover all days and Wed-Sat nights as 12 hr shifts. . Our residents feel that they learn more medicine by having night shifts and that they feel more confident and more independent due to these night shifts where they are backed up by Hospitalists. Our own faculty cover medicine during the day and our faculty cover the OB floor day and night.