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Family Medicine and Geriatrics

The resident has direct patient care responsibilities with a focus on continuity of care. Pharmacists practice under a robust collaborative practice agreement that allows for independent clinical decision making. Residents maintain an individual patient schedule and establish their own patient panel. Pharmacists are highly integrated into the patient-centered medical home resulting in an interdisciplinary standard of care.

Patient Care Activities

Patient care activities include but are not limited to:

  • Care coordination
  • Drug information
  • Joint appointments
  • Office visits
  • Phone follow-up
  • Team-based care
  • Transitions of care


The geriatric learning experience is an interdisciplinary rotation that focuses on elder care and provision of geriatric medication education. This rotation offers an opportunity for the resident to refine skills in advocating for pharmacy involvement. Resident's time will be spent at Panorama Clinic and Puget Sound Care skilled nursing facility. Experiences include co-management of chronic disease in primary care, managing transitions of care, and participating in rounds at a long-term care facility. Additionally, residents serve as a drug information resource and facilitate geriatric topic discussions.