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Education and Scholarly Activity

Teaching skills are fostered across the continuum of education. Experiences range from one-on-one preceptorship to formal continuing education presentations. Residents have the opportunity to teach pharmacy students and residents, medical residents, nurse practitioner students, physician assistant students, and other members of the health care team. When elective opportunities are utilized this program can prepare a resident for a career in academia and a robust teaching portfolio.


  • Primary preceptor for PGY1 residents
  • Primary preceptor for an APPE student rotation
  • Precepting opportunities with APPE students throughout the year


  • Facilitate topic discussions for medical residents
  • Co-facilitate a three-hour workshop for medical residents
  • Lead clinical development for ambulatory pharmacists
  • Opportunity to present lectures to students in pharmacotherapy courses

Formal Presentations

  • Local continuing education presentation to providers, medical staff, pharmacists, and nurses
  • Regional, interdisciplinary continuing education presentations
  • When possible, national continuing education presentations


  • Submission for national publications in peer reviewed journals
  • Provision of written clinical resources to the interdisciplinary team

Additional Teaching Opportunities

There is an emphasis on patient and health team education. As a clinician and leader, the resident has many opportunities to refine educational skills in every area of residency training.

Residents are not required to complete a teaching certificate as many PGY1 programs offer this opportunity. However, there is support if a resident chooses to participate in the ASHP teaching certificate or one of three certificates offered in the region.