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For Students

Welcome to Swedish Graduate Medical Education

The Swedish GME office offers learning experiences for the following student types:

  • Medical Student (MD or DO)
  • Physician Assistant Student (PA)
  • Podiatry Student (DPM)
  • Dental Student(DMD/DDS)

If you are a Pharmacy Student please email the Pharmacy Coordinator.
If you are a health care student not listed above, please email Swedish Clinical Education.

A Few Things to Note

  • Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to do observerships or a student rotation. Instead, please contact Volunteer Services.
  • Swedish GME does not provide placements with preceptors for students. Please work with your home institution/program administrator or coordinator for rotation setup. In the event that your home institution also does not do placements, and has not engaged a preceptor for your specialty, you can search for one through our medical staff listing.

Student Registration Process

Swedish has two main teams that onboard learners coming into our system.

If you are arranging for a rotation as a candidate for MD/DO, DPM, DDS/DMD, PA, Graduate Medical Education ( handles your onboarding. Your home institution coordinator must submit a Medical Student Information Sheet (blank template requested from, in order to be "registered at Swedish" for a rotation. The completed Information Sheet must be submitted no later than three weeks in advance of a proposed start date.

Please read the Swedish Medical Center GME Student Rotation Procedure Guide before submitting the application.

Students must work with their home institution/program to be setup for a rotation at Swedish. Home institutions/programs must have an Affiliation Agreement with Swedish in order for Swedish GME to process a rotation application. If your home institution/program has no Preceptor identified in their Affiliation Agreement, and does not handle placements, please visit to find a provider and contact the provider directly to arrange placement. Swedish GME office does NOT handle placements with providers, except through the Affiliation Agreement.

Affiliation Agreements are required to be active for all schools prior to the beginning of the rotation; please verify that your institution has an agreement in place with Swedish Health Services dba Swedish Medical Center (in Washington State) before applying.

New Affiliation Agreements

The Swedish Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office will gladly facilitate a new agreement with your school prior to your rotation. Please have the appropriate contact at your school reach out to GMEOnboarding to begin this process. Allow 8-12 weeks prior to your rotation to fully execute the agreement and complete the onboarding process.

If you are arranging for a rotation as a candidate for Nurse/Nurse Practitioner or Allied Health Professional (e.g., medical assistant, radiology technician, physical therapist, audiologist, etc.) please email the Clinical Education team.

Rotation Set-Up

After submission of the Medical Student Information Sheet, you will receive an email communication instructing you to complete an Onboarding Checklist, which will request Required Documents/Confirmations listed below. Please complete this checklist as soon as possible, but no later than three weeks before your proposed rotating start date.

Required Documents/Confirmations

Confidentiality Form

Confidentiality Form

Personal Health Insurance Card

Scan of personal health insurance card



Vaccine and Immunization Requirements

Please see the Vaccine and Immunity Requirements from Swedish Medical Center

Photo ID Information

1) Please complete the Photo ID Application

2) You will also submit a copy of government-issued ID

3) Photo (passport-style: jpeg-format, in color, plain background, head-and-shoulders, front-facing, nothing covering the face, like sunglasses)

Swedish Orientation Modules

Safety Orientation Modules can be found here:

If you have questions or need further information please email the Swedish GME office.


Student Procedure


Please contact the Swedish Graduate Medical Education office.

Phone: 206-320-5301
Send an email