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Observers - International Invited Guests

Swedish Medical Center provides an opportunity for international healthcare professionals to observe with a medical staff member at Swedish Medical Center (SMC) and Swedish Medical Group (SMG) sites. An observership is a prearranged time, designed to provide a not-for-credit learning experience for an international invited guest. This Observership assumes that you have an established relationship with your Preceptor, who has agreed to your shadowing experience.

Please read the International Invited Guest Policy and Procedures.

Complete the International Preceptor Agreement and submit to Make sure that we get a working, active email address for you, the invited guest. Please submit the completed Agreement as soon as possible, but at least six (6) months in advance of a proposed start date.

After the Preceptor Agreement is validated by Swedish, you will receive an email communication instructing you to complete an Onboarding Checklist, which will request the remainder of Required Documents/Confirmations. The documents and confirmations must be official, legible, and in English. We recommend completing the checklist as soon as possible after receiving it, but no later than two months before a proposed start date.

Required Documents / Confirmations*

Preceptor Agreement (*Pre-Requisite)

International Preceptor Agreement

Confidentiality Form

Confidentiality Form

Background Check

From nation of residence.

Personal Health Insurance Card

Scan of personal health insurance card



Vaccine and Immunization Requirements

Please see the Vaccine and Immunity Requirements


Photo should be passport-style, front-facing, with plain background

Government Identification Card or Visa

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Curriculum Vitae

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Swedish Orientation Modules

Safety Orientation Modules can be found here: