Rotations Offered

Required Rotations


This is a 5-week required block rotation that takes place at the Providence Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic and is designed to engage the resident in face to face and over the phone anticoagulation management. The resident will actively participate in patient care visits and assist to promote optimal patient outcomes related to anticoagulation management.

Centralized Refill

This 12-month longitudinal rotation, conducted remotely, is designed to immerse the resident in the comprehensive medication review and authorization process. Residents will acquire substantial knowledge in medication monitoring parameters and appropriate follow-up procedures. The role of the refill pharmacist is pivotal in ensuring patients have continuous access to their medications while prioritizing safety. Pharmacists review patient charts according to a pre-established protocol, authorizing refills on behalf of the provider when appropriate. If further clarification is needed or if a refill is deemed inappropriate, cases are referred to the medical assistant (MA) or primary care provider (PCP). This rotation aims to develop the resident's proficiency in medication management and reinforce their role in maintaining patient safety and continuity of care.

Community Outreach

This required 12-month longitudinal rotation, based at the Providence Sacred Heart Anticoagulation and Pharmacotherapy Clinic, is designed to deeply engage the resident with the local community. Throughout the year, the resident will actively participate in a variety of community outreach events, contributing to the well-being of the community and reinforcing Providence’s mission.

Disease Modifying Therapy One

This required 5-week block rotation at the Providence Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic is designed to immerse the resident in the management of biologic therapies for conditions related to rheumatology, dermatology, pulmonology, osteoporosis, and hyperlipidemia management. During this rotation, the resident will actively engage in patient care visits, striving to promote optimal outcomes for the managed disease states. While most patient appointments are conducted face-to-face, some follow-up is handled via telephone. As part of patient management, the resident will assess medication adherence, evaluate the patient's disease state, diet, lifestyle, and medication knowledge, review lab results, and adjust medication doses according to collaborative drug therapy guidelines. In the training phase, the resident will shadow multiple pharmacists to gain valuable experience and exposure to a variety of disease states and clinical scenarios.

Disease Modifying Therapy Two

This is a 5-week required block rotation that takes place at Providence Holy Family’s Pharmacotherapy Clinic and is designed to engage the resident in the management of biologic therapy for conditions concerning multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease. During this rotation, the resident will actively engage in patient care visits, striving to promote optimal outcomes for the managed disease states. While most patient appointments are conducted face-to-face, some follow-up is handled via telephone. As part of patient management, the resident will assess medication adherence, evaluate the patient's disease state, diet, lifestyle, and medication knowledge, review lab results, and adjust medication doses according to collaborative drug therapy guidelines. In the training phase, the resident will shadow multiple pharmacists to gain valuable experience and exposure to a variety of disease states and clinical scenarios.

Disease State Management

This a 5-week required block rotation that takes place at the Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic is designed to engage the residents in a comprehensive approach to the management of specific chronic conditions including diabetes, hepatitis c, iron deficiency anemia, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, transthyretin amyloidosis and tobacco use disorder. The learning experience engages residents in a holistic approach to disease state management, focusing on patient education, medication monitoring, lifestyle modification, regular monitoring and follow-up, and collaborative care. Residents will educate patients about their conditions and treatment options, ensure proper medication adherence, support healthy lifestyle changes, and conduct regular assessments through clinical visits and laboratory tests. Additionally, residents will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to provide coordinated and integrated care. The overarching goal is to control symptoms, improve patients' quality of life, prevent complications, and reduce healthcare costs through effective and coordinated management.


This required 5-week block rotation at the Providence Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic is designed to immerse the resident in a variety of management activities. During this rotation, the resident will engage in daily readings of articles recommended by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), participate in topic discussions as time permits, complete assigned activities and projects, and attend various clinic-related management meetings. This management rotation aims to familiarize residents with the key principles and practices utilized in hospital and health system leadership. The experience will expose the resident to leadership terminology, essential principles, practical tools, and available resources, providing a comprehensive foundation in healthcare management


This required 5-week block rotation takes place at the High-Risk Pregnancy Clinic and Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children's Hospital. It is specifically designed to involve the resident in the comprehensive management of diabetes within the high-risk pregnancy population. The pregnant patients served during this rotation include those with high-risk pregnancies, characterized by co-existing disease states, fetal anomalies, multi-gestation pregnancies, and complex drug therapies. Additionally, the rotation addresses the needs of patients who have had minimal to no prenatal care, as well as those with a history of drug dependence or abuse. This rotation aims to equip the resident with specialized skills and knowledge for managing diabetes in this unique and vulnerable patient population.


This required 5-week block rotation at the Providence Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic is designed to orient the resident to the residency program while allowing time to complete the continuing education requirements for the clinic's collaborative drug therapy agreements. During this rotation, residents will also shadow our support staff to gain a comprehensive understanding of the clinic's operations. This additional shadowing experience will equip the resident with the necessary insights and skills to excel in their pharmacist duties, including patient consultations and planning follow-up visits.

Primary Care

This required 5-week block rotation takes place at the Spokane Teaching Health Clinic (STHC) and is designed to engage the resident in disease state management within a primary care practice setting. As a training site for internal medicine, family medicine, and psychiatric medicine residents, STHC provides a dynamic environment where pharmacy residents will serve as valuable resources for medical residents and faculty. Additionally, pharmacy residents will conduct direct patient care visits, assisting the healthcare team with disease state management, including annual wellness visits and diabetes management. This rotation aims to equip residents with the skills and experience necessary for effective collaboration and patient care in a multidisciplinary primary care setting.

Quality Improvement

This required 12-month longitudinal rotation at the Providence Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic is designed to immerse the resident in the quality improvement process. Throughout the year, the resident will undertake a comprehensive quality improvement project, which will culminate in a poster presentation at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in December and a PowerPoint presentation at a regional residency conference in the spring. This rotation aims to develop the resident's skills in quality improvement and project management, while providing valuable opportunities for professional presentation and collaboration.


This required 9-month longitudinal rotation at the Providence Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic is designed to provide residents with a robust, hands-on opportunity to independently practice and apply the skills acquired during their residency training. To enhance the learning experience and better prepare residents for real-world clinical practice, staffing will commence immediately following the completion of the first two clinical learning experiences, typically focused on anticoagulation and disease-modifying therapies. As the residency year progresses, the types of patient appointments managed by the resident will gradually increase in complexity. In addition, residents will have scheduled after-hour INR (International Normalized Ratio) responsibilities. This rotation is structured to build confidence, enhance clinical decision-making skills, and ensure readiness for independent practice in a dynamic healthcare environment.

Teaching Certificate

This required 12-month longitudinal rotation at the Providence Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic is designed to provide residents with valuable teaching and precepting experience. In collaboration with the Washington State University College of Pharmacy, residents will have the opportunity to earn a teaching certificate upon completion of a diverse array of teaching activities. These activities include, but are not limited to, delivering didactic lectures, facilitating applied patient care labs, conducting simulation labs, and precepting Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) students. This rotation aims to cultivate the resident's instructional skills, preparing them for future roles as educators and mentors in the field of pharmacy.

Elective Rotations

Didactic Teaching

This elective block learning experience takes place at Washington State University's College of Pharmacy and is designed to immerse residents in the realm of didactic teaching. Residents will gain hands-on experience in academic instruction by developing and delivering lectures, creating educational materials, and engaging in classroom discussions. They will have the opportunity to refine their public speaking skills, enhance their knowledge of educational theories and practices, and receive constructive feedback from faculty mentors. This rotation aims to prepare residents for future roles as educators and to inspire a commitment to academic excellence in the field of pharmacy.


This elective block rotation at the Providence Visiting Nurses Association is designed to provide the resident with specialized expertise in the medication management of the ambulatory geriatric population. Additionally, the rotation offers substantial academic-related experiences, enriching the resident’s knowledge and skill set in both clinical and educational domains. This immersive experience aims to prepare the resident for advanced practice in the care of elderly patients and contribute to their professional development in academic settings.

Transitions of care

This elective block rotation at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children's Hospital focuses on the emergency and medication history departments. It is designed to engage the resident in understanding the complexities and processes involved in transitioning patients from the community setting to an acute hospital setting, and subsequently back to home or an alternate care facility, such as a skilled nursing facility. A crucial component of this transitions-of-care process is medication reconciliation. The resident will actively participate in obtaining accurate and comprehensive medication histories at the time of admission, ensuring that patients receive appropriate home medications during their hospital stay and that their medication regimens are correctly updated upon discharge. This hands-on experience aims to enhance the resident's skills in managing transitions of care, ultimately contributing to improved patient outcomes and safety.


This elective block rotation at the Providence Sacred Heart Outpatient Pharmacy, also known as Credena Specialty Pharmacy, is designed to immerse residents in the comprehensive medication dispensing process. During this rotation, residents will actively participate in bedside delivery and consultation services for patients being discharged, as well as in the specialized prescription filling for the hepatitis C and transplant patient populations. This hands-on experience aims to enhance the resident's proficiency in outpatient pharmacy operations, patient communication, and specialized care, ultimately preparing them for advanced practice in a dynamic clinical setting.

Sample Schedules