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Rotations Offered

Required Rotations

  • Longitudinal: This rotation is designed to prepare the resident to sit for the BCACP exam at the end of their residency year. Study materials will be provided to the resident along with a study schedule that makes every effort to coincide with the rotation the resident is currently on.
Camp Stix
  • 1 week block: This is a required block of fun! This takes place at a local campground and is designed for the residents to learn about Support, Tradition, Information and X-citement alongside 200 children with type I diabetes. Residents will be members of an interdisciplinary medical team responsible for the safety of campers and counselors while getting hands on experience with insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). The rotation will teach residents what it is like living with diabetes through the eyes of children ages 9-16. Until there's a cure, there's camp!
Centralized Refill
  • Longitudinal: This rotation takes place virtually and is designed to engage the resident in the centralized refill process. Residents will review charts to determine if refill requests are appropriate and authorize refills on behalf of providers using an established refill protocol. Participation in this required experience is a hands-on way to help residents maintain and expand their knowledge on medication specific monitoring parameters which will be beneficial when sitting for their board certification exam.
High Risk Pregnancy Concentration
  • 4 week block with opportunity for continued longitudinal staffing: This rotation takes place at the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) clinic 3-4 days per week (number of days depends on timing of residency year and familiarity with Epic). This experience is designed to prepare the resident to staff in the clinic one day per week. Residents will participate in direct patient care visits, focusing on managing diabetes in pregnant patients. Residents may engage in preconception planning and management as opportunities arise.
Independent Practice
  • Longitudinal: This is a rotation designed to engage the residents in independent ambulatory pharmacy practice. Residents will routinely cover pharmacist shifts at the High-Risk Pregnancy Clinic, various primary care clinics, and the Spokane Teaching Health Clinic. Residents will occasionally be scheduled to staff virtual shifts with the centralized refill service to help cover vacation requests and sick calls.
Pharmacotherapy Clinic
  • 4 week block: This is rotation that takes place at the Sacred Heart Pharmacotherapy Clinic 3 days per week. This rotation is designed to engage the residents in anticoagulation management, anemia treatment, and managing biologics. Residents will participate in direct patient care visits where they will prescribe medications and order appropriate labs based on established protocols.
Population Health
  • Longitudinal: This rotation designed to engage the residents in Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) metrics and STAR ratings. Residents will partner with specific payers to help improve outcomes related to medication adherence, statin use, and disease state control through direct and indirect patient care.
Primary Care Concentration
  • 4 week concentrated block with longitudinal staffing: This rotation takes place at a Providence primary care clinic 3-4 days per week (number of days depends on timing of residency year and familiarity with Epic). This rotation is designed to prepare the resident to staff in the primary care setting as part of a multidisciplinary team. Residents will participate in direct patient care visits where they will complete office visits related to primary care practice. Residents will also learn how to manage and track incoming referrals, answer provider questions, and manage their own patient schedule.
Quality Improvement
  • Longitudinal: This rotation involves a resident project that is based out of a target clinic and is designed to engage the resident in the process of pharmacy service expansion or improvement. Projects will focus on developing and implementing new clinical pharmacy services or optimizing current clinical services based on clinic need while considering resident interest. Residents will present their project in poster form at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and in PowerPoint form at the Western States Residency Conference.
Spokane Teaching Health Clinic Concentration
  • 4 week concentrated block with longitudinal staffing: This rotation takes place at the Spokane Teaching Health Clinic 2-3 days per week (number of days depends on timing of residency year and familiarity with Epic). This rotation is designed to prepare the resident to staff at the Spokane Teaching Health Clinic. Residents will engage in direct patient care, encompassing a variety of office visits such as Medicare Annual Wellness Visits, HIV medication management, and diabetes management. Residents will also learn how to manage and track incoming referrals, answer provider questions, and manage their own patient schedule.


Advanced Diabetes (focus on pumps)
  • 4 week block: This rotation takes place at various clinics within Providence that specialize in diabetes and pump management. This rotation is three days per week and is designed to engage the resident in intensive insulin pump training. The residents will actively participate in patient care visits and assist to promote optimal patient outcomes related to diabetes.
Advanced Heart Disease
  • 4 week block: This rotation takes place at the Advanced Heart Disease clinic four days per week and is designed to engage the resident in face-to-face visits for heart failure and cardiac transplant management. The residents will actively participate in patient care visits and assist to promote optimal patient outcomes related to heart failure and transplant.
Cystic Fibrosis
  • 4 week block: This rotation takes place two days per week in our pulmonology clinic. This rotation is designed to expose the resident to practice in this specialty area. Residents will work alongside the cystic fibrosis pharmacist to provide medication education, address medication adherence barriers, and review charts for appropriate antibiotic use for “sick days.”
  • 4 week block: This rotation takes place three days per week at the Providence Visiting Nurse’s Association (PVNA) and is designed to engage residents in medication review for elderly patients. Residents will review charts of patients who are referred to pharmacy services and make appropriate recommendations. Residents may engage in home visits as opportunity allows.
Infectious Disease
  • 4 week block: This rotation takes place at the Spokane Teaching Health clinic. This rotation is designed to engage the residents in the management of various infectious disease. Residents will participate in direct patient care visits with the infectious disease provider to help optimize outcomes.
  • 4 week block: This rotation takes place at the Cowley Park clinic 3 days per week. This rotation is designed to expose residents to various aspects of pharmacy management within primary care. Residents will participate in management activities related to the centralized refill team, clinical practice in primary care, population health, and the residency program.
Psychiatric Pharmacy
  • 4 week block: This rotation takes place at Northpointe clinic 3 days per week. This rotation is designed to engage the residents in management of psychiatric disorders. Residents will participate in direct patient care visits where they will prescribe medications and order appropriate labs based on an established protocol.
Renal Transplant
  • 4 week block: This rotation takes place at the renal transplant clinic 3 days per week. This rotation is designed to engage the residents in pre and post-transplant medication management. Residents will participate in direct patient care visits where they will help assess patient’s readiness for transplant, provide post-transplant medication education, and participate in ongoing monitoring and adjusting of anti-rejection medications.