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Medical Laboratory Science

Sacred Heart Medical Center

101 W Eighth Ave, Spokane, WA 99204


woman holding vial in labThe Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center (PSHMC) School of Medical Laboratory Science was established in 1932. Our school is committed to providing highly qualified medical laboratory scientists (MLS) to the healthcare community. Laboratory Medicine is critical to healthcare, impacting the health of every individual. MLS are the diagnostic laboratory professionals performing the analyses that assist physicians in the diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and prevention of disease. 70% of all medical decisions are based on laboratory test results. Graduates of the PSHMC School of MLS are competent to enter the laboratory profession, are highly recruited, and become leaders in Laboratory Medicine.

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Thanks goes to Blood Center Foundation of the Inland Northwest for their continued financial sponsorship of scholarships and grants in support of our school.

Our Spokane, WA Medical Laboratory Science Program and Vitalant have a long standing relationship, and work cooperatively in developing curriculum, sponsoring educational activities and being innovative in change and educational technologies. It's a mission we are proud to share.

Thanks goes to PAML/Lab Corp for their continued financial support of our school.

Watch Our Video

Our students tell you what they like about the Spokane School of Medical Laboratory Science.