Swedish’s PGY1 Residency Program prepares practitioners through mentored training and application of clinical skills. Although there are seven core rotations to complete, the program is highly flexible and uniquely tailored to suit the individual needs and interests of the Pharmacy Resident.
Swedish Medical Center is comprised of four main campuses: First Hill, Cherry Hill, Issaquah and Edmonds, with Ballard as an extension location. The Resident will be primarily based at First Hill where most of the core rotations are located with the remaining campuses offering elective rotations and core General Medicine and Ambulatory Care rotations. Two of our campuses are located outside of Seattle in the cities of Issaquah and Edmonds.
The Resident will be required to complete seven core rotations and eight to twelve weeks of elective rotations. If chosen, the Resident may choose to have an elective rotation in other off-site rotational sites to further tailor their Residency Program. The Resident will also be active in planning, implementing and evaluating new rotations and services.
Acute Care
Administration (4 weeks)
Ambulatory Care
Acute Care
Ambulatory Care
*Longitudinal; not concentrated