Continuing Education
Didactic-style and case-based learning sessions are built into the weekly
resident schedule. Conferences are held throughout the year and scheduled
to allow maximum attendance by residents and faculty. The conference framework
is based on AAFP-recommended curriculum guidelines.
Lecture topics include care management, medical ethics, human behavior
and mental health, medical informatics and computer applications, and
patient education. A rotating 18-month content list is followed and the
curriculum committee oversees the schedule along with a senior resident.
Teaching is done by a mix of residents and faculty , or outside specialists
working in close collaboration with the residency .
The schedule for learning sessions:
- Practice management/OB management: once a month
- Case-based learning sessions: second and fourth Wednesdays
- Procedural Simulation and hands on learning: fifth Wednesdays monthly (averages
- Noon report: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Covers outpatient, inpatient, obstetrics,
gynecology and pediatrics. Periodically includes program mortality and
morbidity conference, Balint, ethics rounds and hospital staff meeting.
Since the time of COVID, we use Microsoft Teams for remote but shared learning.
- Clinic Management and Quality Improvement third Wednesdays. Focuses on
medical home-based approach to difficult or special-needs patients, PDSA
cycles and Quality Improvement
- Resident meeting/support: We offer Balint resident support on first Wednesdays,
led by an independent behaviorist for confidentiality, followed by an
intern support group. Residents appreciate this and comment it is part
of Wellness.