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Training Program

  • What are the strengths of the Program (in random order)?
  • How much teaching and precepting is involved with the Residency Program?
  • What types of projects can the Resident be involved in?
  • How are the projects chosen? Are they all voluntary?
  • How truly flexible is the Program?
  • What types of elective rotations are available?
  • What is the teaching certificate? If I elect to participate, does it take place of an elective rotation?
  • Are the Residents evaluated?
  • Are the Residents primarily based on one campus?
  • Are the Residents assigned a mentor?
  • Is Swedish a teaching hospital? Is it an academic hospital, tied to a University?
  • Swedish is a multicampus site - is transportation required?

What are the strengths of the Program (in random order)?

  • Residency Program managed and supervised by clinical specialty pharmacists
  • Multi-campus experience (i.e. tertiary center, community hospital, primary care and specialty clinics, etc.)
  • Teaching and precepting opportunities
  • Program tailored to specific Pharmacist Resident’s needs and/or interests
  • Electronic health record (EHR) incorporating computerized physician order entry (CPOE), bar coding
  • Full participation in residency recruiting, interview, and selection processes
  • Departmental support for self-selected major resident project
  • Great rapport with medical staff
  • Continued self-sustaining quality improvement to Residency Program and the department
  • Autonomy in selecting elective learning experiences including off-site opportunities
  • Access to all specialty pharmacy practice areas
  • Decentralized pharmacy services including multiple collaborative drug therapy agreement (CDTA) protocols
  • Unique “Jump Start” program allowing the Pharmacist Resident to begin early in June
  • Opportunity to develop unique skill sets in the creation of a service, protocol, policy, or project from initiation to completion stages
  • Major holidays off from rotation and work

How much teaching and precepting is involved with the Residency Program?

The Residents provide formal and informal teaching to the Medical, nursing and pharmacy staff and also teach either at Skill Laboratory to the University of Washington School of Pharmacy (UWSOP) students or Pharmacology Course at Seattle University to the Nurse Practitioner Program. Through the UWSOP, the Residents earn an appointment as an affiliate clinical instructor. Our Residents are also given the opportunity to earn a teaching certificate through the UWSOP or Providence but it is not required (see "Teaching Certificate" below). In addition, the Residents precept students and interns for all rotations, and provide education to the pharmacy staff.

What types of projects can the Resident be involved in?

The Residents are involved in many prospective clinical practice management projects in conjunction with the pharmacy and medical staff. These projects include but not limited to Drug Monograph Review for Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P & T) Committee, policy development and/or revisions, Medication Use Evaluations (MUEs), committee involvement, protocol development, and pharmacy service development.

How are the projects chosen? Are they all voluntary?

The Residency Program does require the Resident to complete two P&T committee projects (local and regional), one Medication use evaluation (MUE), and one drug class review (DCR) in order to gain valuable and useful clinical practice and operational management skills. All other projects are voluntary. In addition, Residents do get to choose their own ASHP-required longitudinal major Resident Project. This Resident Project is selected very early in the residency year to allow adequate time for multiple committee approval and data collection and mining.

How truly flexible is the Program?

There are seven core rotations that must be completed but the order of when they are completed is developed with the Resident at the beginning of the residency year and determined based on interests and goals of the Resident. In addition, the Resident has eight to twelve weeks of elective time for the Residency year to enhance further training and interests.

What types of elective rotations are available?

Residents have eight to twelve weeks of elective time during the year and if chosen, rotations may be at pre-approved off-site locations.

What is the teaching certificate? If I elect to participate, does it take place of an elective rotation?

If selected, the Resident has the choice of two different teaching certificates through either University of Washington School of Pharmacy (UWSOP) or Providence Washington, to enrich the Resident's abilities to be effective facilitators, preceptors, and educators. It is an option for the Resident to participate in and is not required. It does not take place of an elective rotation but involves various workshops, online assignments, quarterly mentor meetings, and developing a teaching philosophy and portfolio.

Are the Residents evaluated?

Yes. Residents are formally evaluated by rotation preceptors on every rotation to provide written feedback and guidance. The formal evaluations are based on the ASHP Residency Learning System. Specific goals and objectives must be met for each of the rotations. Informal evaluations are conducted during each rotation by the preceptor and at least once a month by the Residency Program Director (RPD) and Residency Program Coordinator (RPC).

Are the Residents primarily based on one campus?

The Residents’ cubicles and the majority of their core rotations are at First Hill campus, but other core and elective rotations are at all five campuses. In addition, the Residency Program Director, Residency Program Coordinator and Residency Research Coordinator are primarily at First Hill Campus.

Are the Residents assigned a mentor?

Yes. The Residents are assigned a service commitment preceptor that serves as a mentor throughout the residency year.

Is Swedish a teaching hospital? Is it an academic hospital, tied to a University?

No. Swedish is a private, non-profit organization with select teaching services in conjunction with our Family Practice Medical Residency Program. It is not an academic center but Swedish does have pharmacy students from both University of Washington and Washington State University and from out of state schools of pharmacy, complete their Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) rotations on all campuses.

Swedish is a multicampus site - is transportation required?

Three of the campuses, First Hill, Cherry Hill, Ballard, are located within Seattle with a daytime intercampus shuttle running between First Hill and Cherry Hill. The two remaining campuses, Issaquah and Edmonds, are located outside of Seattle limits. Both core and elective Ambulatory rotations and optional Ballard Campus rotation require travel within the city limits. The ability to travel to different campus sites is required and not provided by Swedish.