Application Process
Application Process
Application Form
Applicants without prior CPE, please complete the standard ACPE CPE application
and the essays on the first page of the application.
- Please email your completed CPE application, signing both pages, and essays
to the Certified CPE Educator (Teleso or Bryan) at the location you wish to apply.
Rev. Teleso Satele:, Phone: 310-303-6156Mailing Address for application fee: Rev. Teleso Satele,
Department of Spiritual Care, Providence Little Company of Mary Medical
Center Torrance. 4101 Torrance Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503.
Bryan Ferry:, Phone: 818-847-3353Mailing Address for application fee: Bryan Ferry,
ACPE CE, Department of Spiritual Care, Providence St. Joseph Medical Center,
501 S Buena Vista St, Burbank CA 91505.
Please mail a $35 application fee, payable to
Providence St Joseph Medical Center, to the address of the same Certified CPE Educator.
Applicants with prior CPE:
- Please email your completed CPE application and essays to the Certified
CPE Educator (Teleso or Bryan) at the location you wish to apply.
- Please email your Final Evaluation(s) and Final Self-Evaluation(s).
- Please email a verbatim that demonstrates your pastoral abilities well.
Please mail a $35 application fee, payable to
Providence St Joseph Medical Center, to the address of the same Certified CPE Educator.
Program Expectations
The CPE resident is expected to:
- Actively participate in all aspects of the clinical pastoral education program.
- Actively participate in all aspects of your Spiritual Care Department.
- Collaborate collegially with CPE peers, staff chaplains, clinical floor
staff, and managers/administrators to provide spiritual care to patients,
families and staff.
- Participate actively in on-call on weekends and holidays, including scheduling.
- Complete reading and written assignments such as verbatim reports, reflection
papers, evaluations of each CPE unit and other assignments as required.
- Participate in a mid-year consultation process to move to Level II CPE.
- Annual stipend of $38,833 and On-Call pay of $2,000 - $5,000 subject to
federal and/or other taxes.
- Ability to enroll in the Providence Health Insurance Plan at the same rate
as other employees, Paid Time Off, and earned Extended Illness Benefit.
- Chaplain residents are considered temporary Providence employees. The position
ends after one year and one day.
- Application fee: $35.
- Non-refundable down payment fee at acceptance: $200.
- Tuition: $500 per unit of CPE residency (less down payment) is due the
first day of the unit.
- CPE tuition is reimbursable utilizing Providence's Education Benefit.
Accredited to provide Level 1a through 2b CPE, and Certified Educator CPE by ACPE: The Standard For Spiritual Care &
Education, 1 Concourse Pkwy, Suite 800, Atlanta, GA 30328, Phone: 404/320-1472,
Fax: 404/320-0849, Email:, Website: