Providence offers Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) for theological students, qualified laypersons, and clergy of all faiths (pastors, priests, rabbis, imams, monks and others) in supervised encounters with persons in need. CPE is an in-depth learning opportunity for people who wish to enhance their personal, professional, and theological competence in the art of spiritual care. CPE residents and interns try new approaches to spiritual care, reflect on their assumptions, and use their experiences as an opportunity for learning.
We have two CPE Centers in Southern California that offer a variety of programs. They are Providence Southern California Center for CPE in the greater Los Angeles area and Providence St. Joseph of Orange CPE Center in Orange County. Both CPE centers are individually accredited by ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care & Education, 55 Ivan Allen Jr. Boulevard, Suite 835, Atlanta, GA 30308, 404-320-1472,, which is recognized by the US Department of Education.
Our curriculums embody the mission of ACPE and Providence Southern California.
Our learning is enriched by diversity. We are committed to providing a
learning environment that fosters growth and awareness. Our educational
philosophy is participatory. Our educational approach is experiential.
We are committed to a learning environment where the spirits of patients
and caregivers are nurtured. Our work is guided by Providence St. Joseph
Health’s values of Compassion, Dignity, Justice, Excellence and
Accredited to provide Level 1a through 2b CPE, and Certified Educator CPE by ACPE: The Standard For Spiritual Care & Education, 1 Concourse Pkwy, Suite 800, Atlanta, GA 30328, Phone: 404/320-1472, Fax: 404/320-0849, Email:, Website: