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The following are the requirements for completion of this PGY-1 Residency. Pharmacy residents will be given mentorship and resources by the residency program to complete these activities and ensure completion prior to the finishing of residency.

  • Presentation at least one Medication Utilization Evaluation (MUE) at an appropriate committee
  • Completion of a drug monograph or treatment protocol revision and present at appropriate committee meeting
  • Presentation of a major project at a professional meeting
  • Manuscript of a major project in publishable form and approved by the primary project preceptor
  • Presentation of at least one med error analysis or other root cause analysis at an appropriate hospital committee meeting
  • Completion of a minimum of 2 presentations to the pharmacy staff (these can be in the form of in-services, journal clubs, or other presentations)
  • Completion of the teaching certificate program
  • The adequate completion of all rotations as defined by the residency manual